¿Cuántos caminos tiene que andar un hombre antes de que le llaméis hombre? ¿Cuántos mares tiene que surcar la paloma blanca antes de poder descansar en la arena?
EXPENTANCY: Folk & Acoustic
FELLOW: Leonard Cohen
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,USA | 0
Mi vida, mis decisiones, mis errores, mis problemas, mi soledad. Así que, en resumen, estos son tus intereses hacia mí.
EXPENTANCY: Gothic & Piano
FELLOW: The Cure
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Folk,Jazz or Blues & Classic,USA | 0
Croyez-moi quand on est usé par la biture continuelle et la bouffe douteuse, et qu'on n'en peut plus de baiser pour oublier, il ne reste plus que les canards. je m'explique : il faut bien sortir de son trou, sinon, on est bon pour la grande déprime et le plongeon par la fenêtre. (...) Alors on s'assied sur un banc et on regarde les canards ; ils se la coulent douce, pas de loyer, pas de fringues, nourriture à gogo. Ils n'ont qu'à barboter, chier et caqueter.
Etiquetas:*IMAGE,France | 0
Prešli smo na fazu trljanja. A onda mi je najednom uzela kurac i smestila ga u picu.
Bio sam šokiran. Nisam znao šta da radim.
Gore-dole, zar ne? Ili, bolje rečeno uvuci-izvuci. Kao kad voziš bicikl- nikad ne zaboravljaš.
EXPENTANCY: Gothic & Cold Wave
FELLOW: Sisters Of Mercy & Lycia
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,UK | 0
Sin duda alguna es un delincuente ante la podrida y morbosa mirada del clero: " no existe Dios me vale madres, a mí la fe me motiva a buscar un significado para llegar a mejorar nuestras relaciones humanas y que esto me ayude a ser mejor ser humano”.
Etiquetas:Mexico | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE,UK | 0
Cold Cave is the electronic music of acclaimed musician, writer and artist Wesley Eisold. Beginning in 2007, Cold Cave has become a name synonymous with the contemporary resurgence of Darkwave and Synth Pop sub-genres, propelling Cold Cave to perform at world class museums The Getty and the Guggenheim, as well as performances with legends Sonic Youth, The Jesus and Mary Chain, among others. The sound has spanned from experimental industrial noise to rock’n’roll influenced electronic music.
According to the Guardian, “Wesley Eisold is an absolutely new, young god of nihilism and despair – he brilliantly captures Cold Cave’s aesthetic: the Morrissey of How Soon Is Now wailing over Nitzer Ebb beats and New Order melodies.”
According to Eisold, if anything, his music reflects what it feels like to live in the present. Eisold, whose baritone is as rich and resonating as that of Phil Oakey, Nick Cave or Iggy Pop, says “Of course we love the lineage of the genre, early experiments with machines to convey human emotion; the marriage between pop and industrial music. At the time it was documenting the early stages of a new world, and we are recording what it feels like to be alive in that world.”
EXPENTANCY: New Wave & Post Punk
FELLOW: The Cure & Siglo XX
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Dark & Gothic,UK | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE | 0
The critics are dead when talking of the band Punk-Industrial Chrome. The scream of Clockwork Orange and "drogis" Rock Radical U.S. autonomasia that serve as the bad seed strain and evil.
Helios Creed and acid brings us this land live concert juicy Latina, Italy in the '80s.
EXPENTANCY: Noise & Post Punk
FELLOW: Public Image Limited & Blank Dogs
Sonido elegante del punk setentero, una advertencia para lo mal llamado Punk Siniestro.
EXPENTANCY: Punk Old School & New Wave
FELLOW: Sex Pistols/The Clash/Ramones
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Post Punk,UK | 0
Rock... finds its beginnings in the blues, the street, alcohol, drugs and youth hunger to rebuild starting with the collapse of the structures of the old men. Dr. Feelgood come from these principles, proto punk sowed and now are remembered for only a few of us ... Rock passionate lovers and art, subversive art already dead.
EXPENTANCY: Proto Punk & Garage
FELLOW: Iggy Pop & Velvet Underground
I'm a man older than my own generation.
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Post Punk,Punk,UK | 1 comentarios
La vanidad y la falta de talento son cosas insoportables; este no es el caso de Idol, leyenda británica del Rock. Greatest Hits compila los Singles de mayor importancia de su carrera.
EXPENTANCY: New Wave & Power Pop
FELLOW: Blitz & Holly And Italians
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,New Wave & Indie Pop,Post Punk,UK | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE,*MUSIC,Dark & Gothic,Post Punk,Punk,UK | 0
Much better than the crap out of facebook.
Here people are not obsessed with LIKE.
You can distribute your writings and read others, one redsocial for intelligent people.
Etiquetas:*LETTERS | 0
Platinum Collection o “el camino del Ziggy Stardust al éxito masivo”.
EXPENTANCY: Glam/New Wave/Post Punk/Pop
FELLOW: Roxy Music/Azul 29/Bill Nelson/Iggy Pop/Queen
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,New Wave & Indie Pop,Post Punk,UK | 1 comentarios
Dios; otorgarme la fuerza para morir en mí y mis vicios, la fuerza que me negaste para soportar aquello insoportable en mí, pero común al resto humano en sus vidas.
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Argentina | 0
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Dark & Gothic,Post Punk,UK | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE,*LETTERS | 0
The Color of Noise is a full-length documentary about the artist Haze XXL (Tom Hazelmyer) and his label Amphetamine Reptile Records. Bands such as The Melvins, Helmet, Unsane, Boss Hog and Today Is The Day have either got their start with AmRep, or appear as regular guests on the label. From 1986-1998 Amrep often hired many upcoming graphic and street artists to create posters for shows, releases and tours. Some of those artists were Shepard Fairey, Frank Kozik, Coop and Ed Fotheringham- all who have become quite successful in their careers. This documentary will tell the story of Tom's early life as a hard core punk eventually joining the Marine Corp and moving on to playing in bands and starting his own label, Amphetamine Reptile Records. During the 90's Tom would find success in his hard work with Amrep, and turn to the art world for new inspiration- building a gallery behind one of his restaurants and hosting some of the most cutting edge pop artists of the time as well as raising a family and running a successful business. This film will highlight many of the label's bands and visual artists through mini bio-pics weaved throughout Tom's story.
Our small crew has conducted over 30 interviews and have planned another 20+ within the next two months. Editorial has started and we are raising funds for final completion which will involve sound mix and color correction. All of our Rewards are limited edition items created by those involved with the label's history! Our goal is to finish edit by Sept 2012.
My friend, I am not what I seem. Seeming is but a garment I wear — a care-woven garment that protects me from thy questionings and thee from my negligence.
EXPENTANCY: Synth Pop & Electro Body Music
FELLOW: Pmuench & Front 242
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Minimal-Synth & EBM,UK | 0
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Dark & Gothic,Estonia,Post Punk,UK | 1 comentarios
Tarantino es como un niño suelto en Hollywood; lo identificarás con sencillez al ser el director de cine que más estupideces dice para causar el escándalo de sus amigos y admiradores, asegura que de no dedicarse al cine sería un asesino en serie –una fanfarronada por decir lo menos-, es un director que gusta hacer filmaciones exageradas con baños de sangre, guiones irrealistas y figuras de acción del héroe-malo, suele trabajar con actores de moda y usar Soundtracks de Rock Psicodélico comercial. Muy comúnmente lo veras con imágenes donde finge sus rasgos faciales para que la gente piense que está loco… Tarantino es una pinche gringada; si fuera honesto saldría la calle a matar gente y se daría un tiro, así dejaría de mamar con imágenes tan pendejas como la usada en este post. Tenían más huevos los asesinos de Boston que este pendejo que vive de la gente que consume mierda para creerse diferente a la masa social ya enmierdada.
¿Buen cine contemporáneo? La filmografía de Francis Ford Coppola es exquisita.
Etiquetas:*IMAGE,*LETTERS,Portugal | 0
Blitz hicieron un finísimo Punk de sonido estructuralmente manchesteriano, distinto a sus contemporáneos e inigualable a cualquier seudopunk actual... que lo son todos. Un destino siempre injusto no los llevó al éxito masivo que sí alcanzó la gran masa de bandas del pueblo de Manchester, pero ello no impidió su soberbio sonido capaz de hacer himnos con la facilidad que los hambrientos roban en las calles.
EXPENTANCY: Punk Old School & New Wave
FELLOW: Sex Pistols & Not Sensibles
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Punk,UK | 0
I will continue to recommend this band to new people just starting to listen to industrial. Even if the rock element is left-of-snob for the industrial crowd, Alain J. has the brashish vocals (great design on the vocals BTW), craziest, hardest drums you'll ever hear without being picky to the metal genre, and they're open to using samplers, synths, original freeflow time signatures and breaks. Pick up Psalm 69, Land Of Rape and Honey, or The Mind is a Beautiful Thing to Taste'll get it.
This time we present a Torrent for downloading (being a very exquisite discography) next week will post the complete discography of Dead Can Dance directly from our server: MEGA.
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If you still do not have torrent software, download it by selecting the image |
EXPENTANCY: Industrial/Metal/New Wave
FELLOW: NIN/Big Black/Killing Joke
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Industrial & Experimental Noise,USA | 0
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After sonic acidity take a coffee, open up the entrance to relaxing moments. Fall in a normal status.
Caracas Underground is a disc already discontinued, and imposibimposible to get yourself on the Net, was published in the second half of the 90s (1996), and it is what can be seen as an attempt rock scene in the country of the Miss Universe, Venezuela. It is useless to talk about the social and political situation of Venezuela: where we have a Henrique Capriles and one Chavista, in permanent war. Where neither of them is saved.
The album is far from extraordinary, is close to what is known as "Rock En Tu Idioma" (a farce enterprise had much presence in Mexico and Argentina), nevertheless, not to be a hard-compiled relevant does show flashes of creativity in some subjects. In turn, taking into account that it is a disc already discontinued, it is important to present it. Caracas Underground is a kind of standard rock album, Rock relatively simple commercial and taste.
What you hear in Caracas will not be a Rock Underground Revolutionary, not a Subversive Rock and Vanguard, and this expression denotes the current state of Rock in Venezuela that is packed with Heavy bands for which sell soft drinks Coca-Cola and play the "Hard-Rock Cafe" is the best thing that can happen.
This album is a good example of the idiosyncrasy of Rock Latino 90s. Personally I do not hesitate to recommend it to you, because, despite the criticism, there are interesting issues in Caracas Underground.... optimistic moments, initially extremely experimental and beautiful, and some scenes of Punk and Alternative Rock Neofolk attempts.
Dispositivo Ritmico En Homenaje a Theodor Adorno -Fidel Rodríguez; Supositorio Social - Farándula Popular ; El Sapo - Farándula Popular ; Pupu - La Puta Eléctrica ; Pasaje Zingg - La Puta Eléctrica; Sur-Fin - La Puta Eléctrica ; Suet - La Puta Eléctrica; Carnaval - La Leche; Cangrejo - La Leche; Amortiguar - La Leche; Vuelve - Pacífica; Veneno - Pacífica; Help-X - La Muy Bestia Pop; Nunca - 4to. Reich; Soy Felíz - 4to. Reich; Rozando - Fauna Crepuscular; Vivir En Esta Ciudad - Fauna Crepuscular; Calle Luna Calle Sol - Sinsaye De Venezuela; La Isla Del Tesoro - Alban Arthuan; Es Así - Annie Villanueva & Julio Méndez.
EXPENTANCY: Garage/Punk/Pop/Alternative
Etiquetas:-Sound Exclusive,*MUSIC,New Wave & Indie Pop,Punk,Venezuela | 0
I thought I found of love, my love
The union of all the parts in it
I thought about the death... my love
and the pain of one part of my
EXPENTANCY: Post Punk & Dark Wave
FELLOW: Siglo XX & Public Image Limited
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Dark & Gothic,Post Punk,UK | 0
Somos el primer paso hacia el hombre máquina.
EXPENTANCY: Minimal Wave & New Wave
FELLOW: Estación Victoria & Parálisis Permanente
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Minimal-Synth & EBM,New Wave & Indie Pop,Spain | 2
El Siglo XX, La juventud británica, sus voces y sueños. Ahora, Siglo XXI, el éxito masivo y el olvido de su pasado y su gran porvenir. Speak & Spell fue el primer LP de los vitoreados Depeche Mode, un disco olvidado en el mejor de los casos, y desconocido mayormente.
EXPENTANCY: New Wave & Synth Pop
FELLOW: New Order
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,New Wave & Indie Pop,UK | 0
Etiquetas:*IMAGE,*MUSIC,New Wave & Indie Pop,Post Punk,UK | 0
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