
Entrevista a Deicida 69

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After sonic acidity take a coffee, open up the entrance to relaxing moments. Fall in a normal status. 

Caracas Underground is a disc already discontinued, and imposibimposible to get yourself on the Net, was published in the second half of the 90s (1996), and it is what can be seen as an attempt rock scene in the country of the Miss Universe, Venezuela. It is useless to talk about the social and political situation of Venezuela: where we have a Henrique Capriles and one Chavista, in permanent war. Where neither of them is saved. 

The album is far from extraordinary, is close to what is known as "Rock En Tu Idioma" (a farce enterprise had much presence in Mexico and Argentina), nevertheless, not to be a hard-compiled relevant does show flashes of creativity in some subjects. In turn, taking into account that it is a disc already discontinued, it is important to present it. Caracas Underground is a kind of standard rock album, Rock relatively simple commercial and taste. 

What you hear in Caracas will not be a Rock Underground Revolutionary, not a Subversive Rock and Vanguard, and this expression denotes the current state of Rock in Venezuela that is packed with Heavy bands for which sell soft drinks Coca-Cola and play the "Hard-Rock Cafe" is the best thing that can happen. 

This album is a good example of the idiosyncrasy of Rock Latino 90s. Personally I do not hesitate to recommend it to you, because, despite the criticism, there are interesting issues in Caracas Underground.... optimistic moments, initially extremely experimental and beautiful, and some scenes of Punk and Alternative Rock Neofolk attempts.

Dispositivo Ritmico En Homenaje a Theodor Adorno -Fidel Rodríguez; Supositorio Social - Farándula Popular ; El Sapo - Farándula Popular ; Pupu - La Puta Eléctrica ; Pasaje Zingg - La Puta Eléctrica; Sur-Fin - La Puta Eléctrica ; Suet - La Puta Eléctrica; Carnaval - La Leche; Cangrejo - La Leche; Amortiguar - La Leche; Vuelve - Pacífica; Veneno - Pacífica; Help-X - La Muy Bestia Pop; Nunca - 4to. Reich; Soy Felíz - 4to. Reich; Rozando - Fauna Crepuscular; Vivir En Esta Ciudad - Fauna Crepuscular; Calle Luna Calle Sol - Sinsaye De Venezuela; La Isla Del Tesoro - Alban Arthuan; Es Así - Annie Villanueva & Julio Méndez.  

EXPENTANCY: Garage/Punk/Pop/Alternative

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