
Entrevista a Deicida 69

BANDCAMP  DISCOGRAFÍA Con el álbum Presidentes Puercos Deicida 69 llegó a su fin, las causas son variadas, desde finales del año pasado ya se había planteado lanzar un último álbum y éste ha sido hecho y parece que es una forma digna de retirarse. Esta es la primera ocasión en que la p...

Deicida 69 - Presidentes Puercos

Presidentes Puercos by Deicida 69 El interés por la práctica política fue capital para construir el mundo moderno, el papel de los parlamentos, los jefes de Estado, las instituciones, el ejercicio electoral, el ciudadano. Los llamados “grandes pensadores” construyeron un imaginario donde a...

The Adicts - The Very Best Of The Adicts

Adicts hicieron un punk rock distinto a la tendencia que marcaba el momento en que ellos iniciaron en la música, un momento donde se le hacía un culto al caos no sólo en el sonido sino en la forma de vida de los punk setenteros, The Adicts junto Toy Dolls apostaron por un corte de punk con júb...

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Cold Cave is the electronic music of acclaimed musician, writer and artist Wesley Eisold. Beginning in 2007, Cold Cave has become a name synonymous with the contemporary resurgence of Darkwave and Synth Pop sub-genres, propelling Cold Cave to perform at world class museums The Getty and the Guggenheim, as well as performances with legends Sonic Youth, The Jesus and Mary Chain, among others. The sound has spanned from experimental industrial noise to rock’n’roll influenced electronic music.

According to the Guardian, “Wesley Eisold is an absolutely new, young god of nihilism and despair – he brilliantly captures Cold Cave’s aesthetic: the Morrissey of How Soon Is Now wailing over Nitzer Ebb beats and New Order melodies.”

According to Eisold, if anything, his music reflects what it feels like to live in the present. Eisold, whose baritone is as rich and resonating as that of Phil Oakey, Nick Cave or Iggy Pop, says “Of course we love the lineage of the genre, early experiments with machines to convey human emotion; the marriage between pop and industrial music. At the time it was documenting the early stages of a new world, and we are recording what it feels like to be alive in that world.”

EXPENTANCY: New Wave & Post Punk
FELLOW: The Cure & Siglo XX

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