Explosion of creativity never seen by me.
Heavily improvised, playing with the collapse of massed, barely functional salvaged equipment and software systems made manifest in sound/noise and image, both artist present a complex, process-driven constructivist performance; the symphonic rise of the attempt to piece together fugal systematics is played out against the noise of collapse and machine crash at the deserted border of control.
Material is both evidence and self-obscuring; a literal drama of sheer light (waves) and absolute darkness (our substrate) exacerbated by the excitation of substance and its subsequent bodily detection. The performer is cast as a volatile detective, with an audible forensics probing a tabletop micro-material-theatre.
MARTIN KUENTZ /// MARTIN HOWSE /// AUSLAND /// 29.03.2014 from Jérémie Pujau on Vimeo
Etiquetas:*MUSIC,Germany,Industrial & Experimental Noise
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