
Entrevista a Deicida 69

BANDCAMP  DISCOGRAFÍA Con el álbum Presidentes Puercos Deicida 69 llegó a su fin, las causas son variadas, desde finales del año pasado ya se había planteado lanzar un último álbum y éste ha sido hecho y parece que es una forma digna de retirarse. Esta es la primera ocasión en que la p...

Deicida 69 - Presidentes Puercos

Presidentes Puercos by Deicida 69 El interés por la práctica política fue capital para construir el mundo moderno, el papel de los parlamentos, los jefes de Estado, las instituciones, el ejercicio electoral, el ciudadano. Los llamados “grandes pensadores” construyeron un imaginario donde a...

The Adicts - The Very Best Of The Adicts

Adicts hicieron un punk rock distinto a la tendencia que marcaba el momento en que ellos iniciaron en la música, un momento donde se le hacía un culto al caos no sólo en el sonido sino en la forma de vida de los punk setenteros, The Adicts junto Toy Dolls apostaron por un corte de punk con júb...

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The strange world of music from the Netherlands, his coldness, his dedication to the ends darker, experimenting with guitars resembling metal tools, batteries are bass... Low human.

Decades I've been exploring the music of different continents, saying his philosophy, their justifications, their behavior and in the Netherlands where I found the mystical sound of Underground Rock, the Rock of alley.

My Afternoons of quiet and my passion for sound, I took the group to present in this post: Bazooka. They are one of the most dense bands of eastern europe, the British band Joy Division and were founded in Manchester by the Factory Records, were left speechless at the sound almost ritualistic Post Punk / Dark Wave made ​​by Bazooka; very violent sound but nothing garish, leaving a feeling of having been violated during a hypnosis session.

Bazooka consisted of 4 people, is the kind of groups in which the members are close to the art, science and philosophy are the kind of groups where members are very steeped in culture, for example, Hans Dekkers, lead singer was a German writer of novels, stories, poems and plays. In the late 70's and early 80's he was a member of various experimental wave groups.

In this time left for download one minialbum, publication dates from 1982 and in it are 5 songs crushing, dark, violent, Post Punx.

EXPENTANCY: Post Punk/Dark Wave/Experimental
FELLOW: PiL/Joy Division/Das Wesen

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