
Entrevista a Deicida 69
BANDCAMP DISCOGRAFÍA Con el álbum Presidentes Puercos Deicida 69 llegó a su fin, las causas son variadas, desde finales del año pasado ya se había planteado lanzar un último álbum y éste ha sido hecho y parece que es una forma digna de retirarse. Esta es la primera ocasión en que la p...

Deicida 69 - Presidentes Puercos
Presidentes Puercos by Deicida 69 El interés por la práctica política fue capital para construir el mundo moderno, el papel de los parlamentos, los jefes de Estado, las instituciones, el ejercicio electoral, el ciudadano. Los llamados “grandes pensadores” construyeron un imaginario donde a...

The Adicts - The Very Best Of The Adicts
Adicts hicieron un punk rock distinto a la tendencia que marcaba el momento en que ellos iniciaron en la música, un momento donde se le hacía un culto al caos no sólo en el sonido sino en la forma de vida de los punk setenteros, The Adicts junto Toy Dolls apostaron por un corte de punk con júb...
Profesional music has became a dance clown, and we have come to make fun of them
The previous record was a double disc (you can access it from this link) in jazz genres, post punk style and sometimes plays hard rock, also industrial rock, the noise and the ambient. In short: experimental music.
The project has gone almost unnoticed in his home country (Mexico), no concerts or interviews, not promoted, not published in seals usually provide advertising platform. Deicida 69 could be understood as a one-man work based on the DIY and with intended carrying out an activity from underground.
With over 10 years of existence since the first releases of track-demo, you can find a clear bias towards the target group to work with the modulation of waves that are originally Noise. About Antimusic On Sex is an exercise of experimentation than 20 minutes one track, for which basically delay and distortion effects used over a pornographic film that deals with an initiation of a young woman in the lesbianism.
The way the album is presented is a metaphor what means the comercial for anti-commercial, at a glance is the delivery woman to woman, and retail is both fornication.
...released 05 July 2015 Label: Plataforma Recs Country: Brazil Released: 2015 Genre: Rock Style: Noise, Experimental
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